Opportunity once of the life time to be part of the exploration of unknow land come rare. It can be dangerous affair to join inexperienced and badly equipped team of mountaineering. Rule land untouched by human foot, thick jungle, primitive and unreliable communication system, threatening rivers to cross and small amount of food were part of daily routine. But to see the nature so pristine and rear was worth every fatigue. I was the first white person in villages that nobody knows of its existence. The local food, bed under the sky, music of the sleepless jungle was so far from the European style of comport and safety but it was real adventure. Something that I dreamed about since I was a little girl.
At the very last day our destiny was changed by the cyclone from Philippines that brought snow, wind and low temperature. The mysterious Mt.Madwe ( over 5000 m) was still untouched by anybody for another few years. I had pushed my comfort zone to the limits. But I had witnessed the nature that slowly is disappearing . I had been part of real expedition that will last forever in me and my photos of all those people I met.