
Dream factory

Who has never dreamed of a flight in air balloon? Slowly lift above the clouds and beyond. There is something very romantic about this. For the past 7 years, I have been admiring hot air balloons floating in front of my windows. Captured by the first rays of sunrise, they kept the children company on their way to school making them smile and dream. Hot-air balloons were the first flying vehicles that crossed the sky. They let themselves to be caressed by the air currents silently in harmony between colors, elegance and shapes: it is extraordinary! I was told about the skill of the Charbonnier family, who were passionate and champions. I wanted to testify, through my photography , especially the pre-flight phases, preparation, how it works and the many other details that people usually do not see and do not know. I wanted to be part of this unique experience. I found the opportunity to be part of the team and photographed their work. In return,  I was able to witness myself the  passion of flight: what a thrill!